2016: What a Year!
It is fair to say that it certainly hasn't been a quiet year for The Student Doctor team!
We have come a long way and we wanted to share some of our highlights with you all.
Submissions have been flying in...
We are currently well under way in the review process for the January issue. We received submissions from 11 medical schools between the 1st of October and the 1st of December. It has already proven to be a competitive process to publish into the journal, with a likely ratio of 3:1 of articles reviewed, to published!
We are going International!
Recruitment of peer reviewers for The Student Doctor has been very successful! We now have 170 reviewers enrolled and trained, from across 20 UK medical schools, 3 continents (Europe, Asia & North America) and 14 professional backgrounds (including medical students, junior doctors, GPs, pharmacists, dentists, PhD students, academics, clinical research fellows and others).
A Nobel Prize Winner is coming to our Launch Party
The launch of our first issue will be commemorated at our Launch Party on Tuesday 31st January 2017. We will be providing a wine reception with nibbles, and there will be speakers including Sir Martin Evans, Chancellor of Cardiff University and Nobel Prize Winner, in addition to Sir Michael Owens and Professor Elizabeth Treasure. We would be delighted for you all to come, please register via our Eventbrite page.
Presentation at Academy of Medical Educators Annual Academic Conference, London
We presented on Tuesday 13th December at the Annual Academic Conference of AoME, and had a stand for the journal in the foyer. We had wonderful feedback from medical educators from across the UK and it was great to receive such strong support for our initiative.
Legal considerations
We had a few things to clarify in terms of the important legal standpoints of the journal. More news will be released about this in the new year!
The Student Doctor ventures into YouTube
We now have two promotional videos for the journal. The first, "We are The Student Doctor" celebrates diversity.
The second, "Introducing The Student Doctor" is our latest video, and features several members of our editorial team talking about their work with the journal.
Magazine Appearance
James and I will be appearing in the January issue of the Cardiff University School of Medicine Magazine, Remedy, to promote the launch of the journal. We will share the article once it is released.
Within 8 months, The Student Doctor has gone from being a concept to a brand. None of this could have been possible without the hard work of our Editorial and Management Team, Faculty Advisory Board and Peer reviewers. We are so proud of how far we have come, and look forward to the new adventures that 2017 brings! We would also like to take the opportunity to thank everyone who has supported and encouraged us along the way.
Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and a blessed holiday with your loved ones. We would like to leave you with a thought that has inspired us from the beginning:
"The secret to getting ahead is getting started"
See you in the new year!
Best wishes,
Shivali and James