The British Student Doctor Journal (BSDJ) is the only peer-reviewed and open-access international journal uniquely managed by medical students and resident doctors. As the official journal of the Academy of Medical Educators (AoME), it is primarily aimed at a readership of medical students and resident doctors in the UK.
The BSDJ seeks to publish a range of medical and surgical research, and articles of interest and educational benefit to junior clinicians.
Journal Acceptance Rate: 40%

Latest Issue

The latest issue of the BSDJ was published in January 2024, and is now available to read here!
"Welcome to the 2023 Winter Issue of The British Student Doctor Journal! It is an honour to introduce this issue as my first contribution to the British Student Doctor Journal (BSDJ) as the new Editor-in-Chief. 2023 has been a busy year; we have been working hard to innovate both within the journal and through working with our authors to bring their work to the fore."
- Dr Shivani Kanabar, 2024
Latest Editor's Highlights
Journal highlights, curated by our current Co-Editors-in-Chief.
Keep in Touch With the BSDJ
The BSDJ welcomes contact from its readership. You can contact the BSDJ via any of the routes below:
The British Student Doctor Journal
Cardiff University Press
PO Box 430
1st Floor, 30-36 Newport Road
Cardiff, CF24 0DE
United Kingdom